The Schussboomers Annual picnic will be held September 14th at Wolcott
Park in Eatontown (off South Street on Willow at 5:30 pm),
The Club will furnish hot dogs, hamburgers, soda and ice, hot water for
tea or coffee, charcoal, condiments and utensils. Bring a potluck dish
or hors d'oeuvres to be shared.
If you plan to attend please call or email Dave Sanderson at:
so we know approximately how many people to plan for.
The new officers for the 2004-2005 season are:
President: Dave Sanderson
Vice President: Louis Welfare
Treasurer after August: Selvin Gumbs
Secretary: Sagan Sanderson
Membership Chairman: Dave Makow
Program Chairman: Barbara Gebhardt
Ski Trip Chairman: Dave Bleakney
All Memberships expired in May The picnic is the perfect time to renew
if you haven’t already.
The Ski Trip Chairman is always looking for volunteers to run a trip.
The schedule for the coming year, still be subject to minor changes, is
as follows: |
5 Jan - Windham
19 Jan - Elk Mountain
2 Feb - Belleayre
16 Feb - Windham
9 Mar - Windham
Dave Sanderson will be running the always popular Mt. Blanc, Canada trip,
probably the last week in January.
Western Trip
The 35th annual Schussbomers Western trip is once again being run by Bobi
and Len Compton, 12 to 19 February. This year we will be going to Big
Mountain Montana. The cost of the trip will be $1199 PP/DO. The price
includes 6 days of skiing, breakfast each day, ground and air transportation
and tips enroute. The price for Seniors 65+ is $1171 and non skiers cost
To reserve a space a $500 deposit is required immediately.
Contact Bobbi at
As you have no doubt noticed, the busy schedules of our officers have
made it increasingly difficult to get paper copies of the news letters
mailed out to all the members in a timely manner. We ask everyone who
can, to please sign up for our email lists, so that you will get all the
information in a timely manner, and make it that much less of a burden
to get paper mailings out to those who do not have email. To sign up for
our email list go to: